
Guided tour and discussion connected to the exhibition of Everyday Shortcomings


13.05 - 20.05

Az események időpontja / The dates of the events:

05.13. 18:00

05.20. 18:00

Participants: Judit Dobák, László Bass, Zsuzsi Pósfai

Supported by Summa Artium

Partner: 2B Gallery

Project Everyday Shortcomings maps the lack of public services and its consequences in affected households. How can we reframe the visual representation of poverty, and instead of portraying individual vulnerability, shed light on the difficult circumstances themselves? The exhibition focuses on the creative coping mechanisms that are a result of such conditions, as well as the challenges and limitations of the situation. 

As part of the guided tour, roundtable discussions explore the various aspects of everyday practices. We examine the relationship between housing conditions and individual /institutional responsibilities, the continuous and ambivalent attitudes of affected residents towards transition, and the general visual communication about local environmental experiences. Experts to join the conversation will be Bass László, sociologist, researcher of poverty and professor of ELTE, Pósfai Zsuzsi, researcher of housing condition at the Periféria Policy and Research Center, and Dobák Judit cultural anthropologist, regional and rural development economist.